Este Pharma – the metabolic syndrome solution

Who are we?

Este Pharma is an innovative brand that provides high-quality nutritional supplementssuitable for patients with metabolic syndrome and chronic noninfectious diseases such as pre-diabetes, diabetes,cardiovascular disorders. Nutritional supplements supplements are products of the collaboration between leading scientific organizations and a boutique high-tech manufacturer. Our goal is to improve prevention and prophylaxis of serious conditions caused by stressobesity and unhealthy lifestyle..

Why “the metabolic syndrome solution”?

Metabolic syndrome syndrome may be seen as a disease or as a predisposition to disorders – it is the cause of a large number of conditions that endanger the health and life of a growing number of the population. Metabolic syndrome has no definite symptoms, so a large number of patients are not diagnosed on time. The truth is that medical professionals can quickly and easily diagnose this condition – this is one of the many proofs of the importance of prophylactic examinations.


Metabolic syndrome affects both children and adults as its frequency increases with age.

Which are the risk factors?

  • 1) Unhealthy diet – the first and major cause of metabolic syndrome syndrome in the modern world! People take approximately 4 times more food than they need. In addition, these large food portions consist of processed products, low in vitamins and minerals replaced by high salt and sugar content. And not only this – eating is irregular, often fast and legs in large portions!
  • Lack of physical activity – the lack of sport combined with office work is an extremely important factor that is often overlooked.
  • Stress – this factor leads to a hormonal imbalance in the body that contributes to anti-obesity therapy.
  • Lack of sleep – this factor can be caused by stress, lack of time, etc., also leading to serious hormonal disorders.
  • Combination of the above-mentioned key factors slows metabolism, thus leading to obesityand low immunity of the body.Obesity with low immunity response of the body causes with metabolic syndrome syndrome with frequent complications. Complications are a large number of different pathological conditions, including cardiovascular disorders, atherosclerotic processes diabetes mellitusjoint disorders, and so on.

What is the role of Este Pharma products?

Nutritional supplements Este Pharma dietary supplements are 5 high-quality products that aim to provide necessary substances for the specific needs of patients with metabolic syndrome and chronic noninfectious diseasesWe developed these products to target risk factors and complications associated with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and diabetes.


Nutritional supplements Este Pharma supplements, combined with rational nutrition, increased physical activity, and regular prophylactic examinations, could significantly improve the overall health of patients.


Este Pharma products have been developed for patients at risk of with metabolic syndrome and chronic noninfectious diseases. Our products do not contain sugar, salt, and allergens such as wheat, gluten, soy, milk, eggs. They do not contain preservatives! The products are manufactured with high-quality technology under the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice.


  • Ctrl Slim

Ctrl Slim Slim is a product developed for patients with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes,which helps to lose and controlling body weight..


Ctrl Slim serves as a way to prevent obesity and abnormal muscle-fat ratio in favor of fat

The combination of 7 bioactive ingredients helps to reduce fatigue, strengthen muscles, boost energy and aids the fat burning process.

Ctrl Slim is a great additional means to complex anti-obesity therapy.


Benefits for your health:


– Provides the organism with bioflavonoids, alkaloids, and vitamin C;

Supports processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients;

Boosts the immune system;;

Helps in reducing body weight..


Advantages of the product:


Source of superfoods: Citrus Aurantium bioflavonoids;

Source of antioxidants: caffeine, vitamin C;

No iron – does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Ctrl Herz

Ctrl Herz is a dietary supplementdesigned for patients with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes,, which helps in maintaining optimal cardiovascular function.


The risk of cardiovascular complications in with metabolic syndrome, especially in diabeticsis increasing its severity and frequency. Cardiovascular complications are the number one cause of reduced quality of life and premature death. They affect not only heart muscle but also blood vessels in all organs and systems.


Ctrl Herz is a product developed to improve cardiovascular function. The combination of 11 bioactive substances helps to maintain an optimal ratio of lipid fractions, which prevents the progression of atherosclerotic processes. In addition, the product is a source of high-quality antioxidants that fight harmful radicals in the body.


Ctrl Herz helps in maintaining normal blood pressure, optimal function of the myocardium, blood vessel protection, increasing blood vesselscombating fatigue and immunitydecreased sense of fatigue and stress and so on.


Benefits for your health:


Provides the organism with bioflavonoids, alkaloids, and vitamin C;

– Supports processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients;

Boosts the immune system;.


Advantages of the product:


– A rich source of antioxidants;

– Contains natural ingredients;

No iron – does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Ctrl Vit

Ctrl Vit is a dietary supplementdesigned for patients with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes,that helps to regulate stress levels and improve –.

Ctrl Vit is a product that supplies the body with vita vitamins and plant extracts that help in strengthening the overall state of organisms.


Vitamins (” vita ” – life, ”amine” – nitrogen) are substances of vital importance to the body.

They participate in the absorption of nutrients, synthesis of enzymes, growth, liver function, the function of the glands with internal secretion. Vitamins are important for the functions of the nervous, endocrine, digestive and immune system. Lack of vitamins leads to avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis, which affects many chemical processes in the body and leads to a large number of different health problems.

Benefits for your health:

– Helps in maintaining good physiological state

– Natural source of vital vitamins;

– Increases immunity response;

– Supports the processes of digestion and absorption of the nutrient.;

Advantages of the product:

– Natural source of antioxidants;

– Source of superfoods: green tea and acai extract;

– Does not contain iron – it does not irritate the stomach.

  • Ctrl Sleep

Ctrl Sleep is a dietary supplementdeveloped for patients with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes,which helps to improve sleep quality The combination of 11 bioactive compounds has a relaxing, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effect.The product helps in relaxation of the muscles, reducingstressreducing the night activity, which leads to faster and easier sleep, and more qualitative rest.


Sleep Sleep is a key factor for good health. It is responsible for physical and mental recovery. As we sleep, our brain selectively removes and stores information, muscles relax, and neurotoxins are being detoxified, cells and tissues regenerate, and so on.Insomnia leads to hormonal imbalance, increased appetite, becoming more vulnerablestress etc., which leads to a deterioration of our health condition and an increase in the incidence and severity of complications, especially common inpre-diabetic and diabetes,.

Ctrl Sleep helps you to significantly improve the quality and duration of –.


Benefits for your health:


– Provides a healthy and fulfilling sleep;

– Helps optimal circadian rhythm regulation;

– Reduces fatigue and stress;

– Increases immunity response.


Advantages of the product:


– Natural source of antioxidants;

– Vitamins, minerals and sleep-regulating hormones in 1 capsule;

– Natural ingredients;

– Does not contain iron – it does not irritate the stomach.


  • Ctrl Immun

Ctrl Immun is a dietary supplementdesigned for patients with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetesanddiabetesthat helps to boost the immunity response.


The function of the immune system; is to recognize substances and organisms that are foreign to the organism and to destroy or deactivate them by an antigen-antibody reaction. Metabolic syndrome andchronic noninfectious diseases are often associated with a low immunity due to poor absorption of nutrients and other factors.The low immunity is characterized by more frequent and prolonged viral and bacterial infections, easy tiredness, difficulty falling asleep, depression and other consequences.Boosting immune system; is vital to good health and lack of complications.

  1. Ctrl Immun is a product of natural ingredients that help you boost immunity and maintain good overall health.


    Benefits for your health:


    – Boosts immunity response;

    – Helps in improving endurance and maintaining high energy levels during the day ;

    – Improves overall health;

    – Antioxidant, regenerating and energizing effect.


    Advantages of the product:


    – Natural source of vitamins and minerals;

    Contains beneficial bioactive substances and mushroom extracts from one of the most studiedmushrooms, supporting the immune system; even in some of the most complex diseases: : Shitake, Maitake, Reishi, and Hericum;

    – Studies show the synergetic effect of mushrooms – their mix in one product is significantly more effective on the human body than a single

    – This product is rich in polysaccharides (beta-glucans), proteins, triterpenes, vitamin D, ions and other substances with healing action.


